Welcome Baby Joshua

Thursday, October 30, 2008

He's a Caterpillar

Here are a few pictures of Josh in his Halloween costume. More to come after this weekend. His first Halloween, it's so exciting!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

2 month Dr appointment

It started off with Josh's 2 month Dr. Appointment. His check up went great, everything looked and sounded great. Then came the hard part... Josh had to get 6 shots! It was hard on us both. We both cried, it was awful. From now on Dr appointments are for daddy. After we left Dr Hess we went home and Josh was a little fussy the rest of the day. He slept a lot though. He's all better now! Yea.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

1st Time Eating Cereal


Wow its been a crazy two months. Joshua is exactly 8 weeks old today! Hes growing so fast I cant believe it. Were so in love with him. He's starting to smile a lot. He's such a happy baby. He loves his swing and would sit in it all day if I would let him! Here's some things that Josh has done in the past two months: Survived his first hurricane, and 3 weeks without electricity! We visited the Houston Zoo on Sept 19th. (I need to get those pictures from mom). Started eating rice cereal on Sept 22. It was messy but worth it! He slept through the night. Sadly, he attending his 1st funeral. He went to Austin to see Aunt Cheryl. Went to his first baby shower! Spent the night in San Antonio. Josh visited the River Walk for the 1st time on September 27th. On October 1st Josh visited Daddys work for the 1st time. He met all of Daddy's co-workers. October 2nd Josh spent the day with KK. On October 4th Josh went to Round Top with us to go antiquing, he also had his first taste of Applesauce. October 8th was Josh's first time to spend the night with Kay Kay and Bevo. October 11th we took Joshua to his first pumpkin patch! He is sooo cute!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Day by Day

Day 6 (August 25, 2008)- Today Joshua, mommy and Kay Kay went to see Dr. Hess for his first doctors visit. Dr. Hess said that Joshua is "Perfect". He got his Hepatitis B shot today. Josh cried a little bit but quickly got over it (he didnt get that from mommy). Then we went for a little outing to Babies R Us. Josh slept through the entire event. We came home and have done nothing the rest of the day. Our outing wiped us out!

Day 5 (August 24, 2008)- Today was Kay Kay's Birthday!! She declared that she got Joshua the entire day! She was nice and shared him with everyone. Joshua starred at the birthday cake but decided he would stick to his bottle for now :)

Day 4 (August 23, 2008)- Today was my first bath at home! I peed all over Kay Kay, mommy got pictures!!

Day 3 (August 22, 2008)- Today was our first full day at home. We spent the day getting familiar with everything. We had lots of visitors and it made Joshua very sleepy. We slept for 4 hours during the night! Mommy was thankful

Day 2 (August 21, 2008) - Today we came home from the hospital! We were very excited to be coming home. We both did very good at the hospital and decided it was time to get out of there! We left the hospital around 3:00 PM and got home about 3:30. It was an adventure getting Joshua into his car seat, but we made it!

Day 1 (August 20, 2008) - Today was a good day. Joshua and mommy spent the day getting to know each other. Mommy is sore from the surgery but is up and moving. Hopefully we can go home soon. Mommy wants her own bed.

Happy Birthday Joshua (August 19, 2008) - Today was a wonderful day. We arrived at the hospital around 9:30 and went straight to triage where we got hooked up to an IV. Then we waited til 12:00 for Dr. Hutton to get there and do the c-section. Mommy was getting very nervous! I expected the spinal block to be very painful but it wasnt! It went into affect immediately and the surgery began. Joshua was born at 1:13PM. He was perfect, so beautiful. He went straight to the nursery with daddy to be cleaned up. Mommy went to recovery. After about 2 hours mommy finally got to hold Joshua!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Adam and Jenny's Baby Pictures

Our baby pictures. Who will Joshua look like?

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY

Tomorrow we will finally get to meet Joshua. I'm getting nervous... but very excited! I cant believe he is finally going to be here!!